Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Honeymooners

We thought that booking a red-eye on Sunday night would give us plenty of time to accomplish everything that we wanted to before we left on our honeymoon, but somehow we managed to be busy right up until the last minute! We spent Sunday morning at a brunch for Amanda's brother, Brett, who was just about to leave on his mission, the afternoon loading up wedding gifts and moving them back to our apartment, and the evening having dinner with Jason's parents, Aunt Carol, Chris, Jenny, and Jake. Before we knew it, it was time to head to Phoenix for our flight! One long night later, and we were in St. Lucia. It was truly an island paradise! We went scuba diving, sailing, horseback riding, zip-lining through the jungle, and dined by candle light. We also fit in some time to relax :) There was even an ill-fated trip to a "street party." Amanda has learned that her idea of a street fair is not entirely compatible with a night-time Caribbean party reeking of pot and populated by "professional" women and local rappers. Oops. No more activities suggested by island tour guides. Luckily Jason was there to snuggle close to. Even that little incident provided a hilarious memory. Our honeymoon was such an amazing trip and such a wonderful way to start our married life together. After the busy months leading up to the wedding, it was perfect to just be together, and we got to do that in paradise!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Let's Get This Party Started

We hope everyone enjoyed our reception as much as we did. It was such a fun way to end such a magical day! We had a blast with so many amazing friends and family who came out to support us. The people at SaddleBrooke helped pull together such a wonderful party, and Aunt Jan, Aunt Linda, and Mom went out early in the day to help make sure all the details were perfect. We loved our party!

(Pictures to follow)

The Big Day!!!!

Our wedding day was perfect! It was a beautiful sunny day, and due to the rain the day before, the high was only 92 degrees--WAY below normal for Tucson in June! Jason got to enjoy a little bit of that morning down by the pool with his groomsmen and friends at the El Conquistador, while Amanda and the girls got together for lunch, makeup and hair appointments, and some last minute details at the reception hall. The afternoon was full of picture taking for both of us, but we kept with tradition and didn't see each other until the ceremony. Five o'clock rolled around before we knew it. Bishop Joseph Winfield perfomed the ceremony, and Jason's Aunt Vonnie read a lovely poem about what our hands would mean to each other. It is a bit of a blur, but we loved every second of it. We both cried more than a little, but we were so excited. What a blessing to be married to your best friend!

(More pictures will follow when we get them from the photographer!)

Friday, June 19, 2009

The Rehearsal -- And The Party that Followed

Rain cleared up just in time for our rehearsal out at SaddleBrooke, and the weather was nice and cool! (Anyone who has lived in Tucson in June knows what a blessing that was!) We started by rearranging the chairs so that they were perfect for the big day, while we waited for a couple lost bridesmaids--poor girls! Then we discovered that is even fun to pretend to get married :) We follwed the rehearsal up with a fantastic rehearsal dinner that Mike and Sue threw at "The Loop."

One Day More...

The day before the wedding was a bit drizzly and overcast--which turned into full-fledged rain during the bridal luncheon! It failed to spoil our fun though, and Aunts Linda and Jan threw such a fabulous girls' luncheon out at Tohono Chul Park's Tea Room. All the ladies from out of town got together and we had a wonderful time on the Tiffany blue decorated patio (covered, thankfully) chatting, opening gifts, catching up, and munching. Amanda's aunts worked so hard to make it lovely, and it truly was! Plus, there were thoughtful gifts like handmade holiday napkins, handwritten favorite recipes, a beautiful painting, the perfect dress for the rehearsal dinner, and even a lovely bracelet celebrating the theme. Katie Craig and Ali both drove down early that morning from Phoenix, Corinne averted baby-sitter disaster, Emily arrived directly from Utah, and Amanda Stremel and Aunt Joyce came straight from the airport. Everyone was so kind!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Wedding Weekend Arrives

Hooray!! All the planning was done and it was time to have fun!! A few days before the wedding, the Rickeys arrived to kick off the festivities, followed by Aunt Linda and part of the Allred clan. Everyone was so great about pitching in to help get the last details handled. Kate and I had a day to run around picking up last minute items, honeymoon shopping, dropping the arch off at the ceremony site (in the most frightening truck ride ever, poor Scott), and replacing the things that I managed to break in the days leading up to the wedding (at least 3). We all had a lovely evening eating delicious Cafe'Rio style pork burritos and hanging out on the patio. It was the perfect way to start the perfect weekend!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Bachelorette Slumber Party!

Is there a better way to hang out with your girlfriends than a slumber party? Especially one that includes pizza, cookie dough, karaoke, a lingerie shower, and pedicures (not at the same time)! Christy Maley and Kristi Coppus pulled together an amazing bachelorette evening at Christy's mom's house--now that we aren't 14, the slumber party had beds! It was such a great time and I loved celebrating with these ladies!